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Impossible Finance - Vesting schedule

View how IDIA tokens are vested or unlocked over time for different stakeholders.

Note: this data is aggregated from the protocol’s whitepaper, docs, forum posts, and/or core contributors (i.e. not on-chain data).

Daily vesting schedule since launch.

AllocationToken amountDescription
IDIA DAO200,000,000Linear four year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2025.
Team200,000,000Linear five year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2026.
Ecosystem150,000,000Linear four year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2025.
Strategic sale130,000,00032.5M IDIA unlocks on the 18th of August 2021 and the remaining 97.5M IDIA has a one year vesting period with daily unlocks after a one year cliff between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2022.
Staking rewards100,000,000Linear five year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2026.
Incubated project teams100,000,000Linear five year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2026.
Reserves50,000,000Linear five year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2026.
Gitcoin grants20,000,000Linear four year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2025.
Partner DAOs10,000,000Linear five year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 18th of August 2021 and the 18th of August 2026.
Initial Impossible IDO20,000,000Fully unlocked on the 18th of August 2021.
Impossible IDIA insurance fund20,000,000Fully unlocked on the 18th of August 2021.
Total1,000,000,000Total supply of IDIA.